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Tag: Animals
The Constellation of The Tree Frog
Picture of the Month (March, 2024)
You know spring is around the corner when The Constellation of the Tree Frog is visible at night.
I took this picture of a Grey Tree Frog (Hyla versicolor) climbed on a glass door in a house on the Hudson Valley. The white spots, which look like stars in the sky, are dust speckles reflecting light from my flash.
Grey tree frog in the Hudson Valley The Song Sparrow
Spring is all around us. I can feel it in the pollen and my allergies. On the bright side, I was able to enjoy several animals coming to visit us in the country. I’ve seen red-shouldered hawk, groundhogs, crows, blue jays, different sparrows, cotton tails, white-tailed deer, and even a red fox.
What I want to share with you this month is a picture of a song sparrow, one of the 20 species of sparrows you can regularly see in the Estate of New York. They are the chirping kind, as you can expect from their name.
Song sparrow, Monroe, NY We got a bird feeder to see if we can get them closer. I think the squirrels got most of the seeds, though.